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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 06/16/09

June 16, 2009 Meeting
Map 244 Lot 6 - 22 High Street - John & Wendy Dunlap
New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) File #2009-01ZBA

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Staff)   Doug Crafts (Member)           
John Giffin(Member)             Ron Haggett (Member)     John Kendall   (Chair)
Peter Moore(Member)    Frank Scales (Member)                           
Members & Staff Absent:         Don Winchester (Alternate)      
Public Attendees:  Mark Hutchinson (Independent RF Engineer)     Peter Burwen (Abutter)
Maureen Watts (Abutter) Tony Koban (Alternate)  Constance Vandervort (Abutter)
Leslie Bernardi (Abutter)       Bernardi friend (Abutter)       John Dunlap (Owner)
Martha Pinello (Resident)       Ruth Zwirner (Resident) Rod Zwirner (Resident)
Gordon Webber (Selectman)       Andrew Lemay (Independent Real Estate Appraisal)
Douglas Wilkins (Attorney,AT&T)         Shannon McManus (KJK Wireless, AT&T)
Kevin Brewer (RF Engineer, AT&T)
7:00 Review Session:    
        Review Period
        Appointment of alternates to sit for absent member - not necessary
7:15 Public Hearing:

        New Cingular Wireless, PCS (AT&T) 2009-01ZBA , Map 244 Lot6, 22 High Street

Chair Kendall opened the meeting at 7:15, and introduced the members of the Board.

Balloon Test
The meeting began with a photo presentation of the Balloon Test done on both January 21, 2009 and June 10, 2009. Caron & Associates of Haverhill, MA completed the Visibility Study regarding AT&T Mobility Site #2445 - Antrim.  The presentation showed the balloon test and visibility of the proposed tower location. The photos showed the actual balloons (flown at 100', 90', and 80') and the simulated monopole and monopine. The meeting attendees viewed every photo in the presentation. The photos are available at the Town Hall and will become a part of the permanent record.

Independent Realty Appraisal - Real Estate Consultants of New England Report - Andrew Lemay
Chair Kendall asked Mr. Lemay to present his independent evaluation of his market study investigation the potential impact that cellular towers may have on adjacent residential property values.
Mr. Lemay's summary and conclusion that were based upon the information contained in his report is as follows: "It is my opinion that the construction of the tower at the proposed location on 22 High Street, Antrim, NH will have no measurable impact on surrounding residential values due to the proximity of or the ability to see the cell tower".  The Report is available for viewing at Town Hall and will become a part of the permanent record.

RF Engineer Independent Report - Mark Hutchinson
Mr. Hutchins gave his report in detail and then answered questions from both the Board and the Public Attendees. His conclusions and proposed findings of fact from page 9 of his report are as follows:

        a. AT&T has weak or inadequate PCS service over almost 79% of Antrim, including most of         Routes 31 and 202. Even with activation of a facility in the northeast part of the Town, there  will still be inadequate service to move than 49% of the Town's area.

        b. Roaming, or the use of services that might be available from competing providers, is not
        a viable coverage alternative for AT&T customers.

        c. Repeaters and small-scale antenna systems are unable to address such a large area of         inadequate coverage, since they are primarily intended to provide fill-in of small gaps

        d. There are no existing structures that are suitable for collocation of the AT&T antennas. Use
        of the Town Hall would not provide sufficient height to adequately close the coverage gaps,     and may be limited in its ability to provide collocation for other providers.

        e. The proposed overall height of 100 feet above ground level will provide adequate coverage
         and vegetative clearance, and provide collocation for two additional Personal Wireless
        Services providers, since the rule-of-thumb separation is ten vertical feet for provider antenna
        levels. The FCC and FAA consider height to be the highest point of the structure, including     attachments, so topmost antennas will need to be centered at approximately 97 feet (assuming
        six-foot panel height), or less, to avoid increasing the approved overall height.

        f. The applicant has shown that exposure to RF radiation will meet FCC guidelines. Since there  is risk in the immediate vicinity of transmitting antennas, access to the fenced compound must  be restricted and appropriate wanting signs should be displayed.

Chair Kendall asked the Board if they had any further questions for Mr. Hutchins. Mr. Haggett asked Mr. Hutchins if he felt that the proposed AT&T PWSF site (High Street, Map 243 Lot 6 202)  was the best site to  eliminate the coverage gap on Route 202 and 31. Mr. Hutchins responded that based on his analysis, the proposed site was the best site.

The report is available for viewing at Town Hall and will become a part of the permanent record.

Average Tree Canopy Height within 120' of proposed site - Dennis McKenney
Mr. McKenney has prepared an 18" x 24" chart, centering the tower and dividing the circle around the tower into four quadrants. The tree heights with the quadrants were clearly shown in a color graph. Mr. McKenney answered questions from the Board and Public Attendees. His report was required in order to give a bigger picture of the average tree height canopy. With the 120 foot area ( larger than the 50'  of the Antrim Zoning Ordinance's requirement), the average went from 59 feet to 77 feet. The report is available at the Town Hall and will become a part of the permanent record.

Stormwater Drainage Report
The  storm water runoff  analysis  was performed to determine if the proposed facility will cause an increase in storm water runoff and, if so, develop mitigation strategies to minimize the impacts on downstream stability. The proposed construction will create a "two-part outcome". One area will be mitigated by a 12" pipe and the other by adding an additional culvert with a 12' wide level spreader. This report is available at Town Hall and will become a part of the permanent record.

Chair Kendall asked if any abutters would like to speak. The following spoke:

Leslie Bernardi – 30 High Street  Ms. Bernardi voiced her opposition to the PWSF

Peter Burwen, 11 Maple Avenue  - Mr. Burwen spoke in opposition to the PWSF. He had submitted an email "Cell Tower Links - Request for Pause" with attachments and internet links that are attached to the Town Hall minutes. He also had a letter from Congressman Paul Hodes that which are part of the minutes.

Chair Kendall asked if there were any questions from the Board.

Mr. Giffin moved to continue the meeting to June 23, 2009 site walk at the Deering, NH facility (as requested by Mr. Burwen) contingent upon the approval of the Deering Cell Tower owner. Mr. Scales seconded the motion and all approved.

At 8:30 pm, a short recess was taken.
Business Meeting:
        Approve the minutes of the Site Walk of June 10, 2009. Mr. Haggett moved to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Scales seconded the motion, and all approved.
At 9:40, Mr. Crafts moved to adjourn until the site walk. It was seconded by Mr. Giffin, and approved by all.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant,